
List Of 12 Best Beginner Tips For Dark Souls

Dark Souls is not a game for people who are easily scared, but these tips can help anyone who is just starting out learn how to play it.

With Demon Souls, Bloodbourne, and Dark Souls, From Software started a genre of very hard RPGs. These games are known for not having tutorials that players can use to beat their confusion against. Most skilled gamers see these hard challenges as a kind of rite of passage.

But they don’t have to be these impossible journeys that start out in a deadly fog of unknowns. Here is a list of good advice for people who are just starting out in the realms of Lordran. It’s important to remember that this is not the same as a walkthrough, which would show you how to do things step by step. These things will help you get started in a genre that doesn’t always have enough handholds.

Try It First, Then Use Tips

Try It First, Then Use Tips in Dark Souls

Even though this might seem like an odd way to start a list of tips for Dark Souls, we really do recommend that your first time playing Dark Souls be without help. In the world of Dark Souls, experimenting and exploring is satisfying in and of itself, even if it’s sometimes easy to forget that because the enemies are so hard.

Try it out. Explore an area. Fight one person, maybe two, or if it comes naturally, the whole room. When the challenge stops being fun for you, and only then, you should ask for help. We’ll wait.

Prepare To Die

Prepare To Die

When you play Dark Souls, you should really expect to die a lot. It doesn’t necessarily say anything about how you play or how good you are, but it will happen a lot and could ruin the game if you’re not ready for it.

Even if you accept this sad idea, you won’t be able to completely stop the frustration that will come next. You can, however, use most deaths in games as opportunities to learn something new and improve your overall game.

Don’t Worry About Your Class

Don't Worry About Your Class

When you start the game for the first time, you’ll be able to make a character. Your character’s class is one of the most important things to think about. Each class works best with different stats, different armor, different items, and different magic. But don’t pick the Pendant as your first item, no matter what.

If you’ve played other games where the rules are similar, you can jump right in, but if you haven’t, don’t worry about it. No matter what base you choose, you can still build a fighter that works.

Plan Your Build

Plan Your Build

Even if your first class choice isn’t too important early on, it’s still good to know which stats you want to focus on for your build. In Dark Souls, every point you spend on your stats is always put toward that attribute, so it’s important to think about the weight of that choice.

For example, melee fighters with DEX or STR builds have different benefits, but you’ll never regret putting points into VIT or END. You’ll be fine as long as you don’t dump your souls into RES.

Watch Your Equipment Load

Watch Your Equipment Load

In a lot of games, you get points for collecting everything you find, so it’s understandable that your first instinct in Dark Souls would be to hoard as if your life depended on it. Hey, stop doing that. You can only carry a certain amount of weight, and if you carry more than that, you will die.

How fast you can move depends directly on how much stuff you’re carrying. If you can’t move fast enough, you can’t dodge, and if you can’t dodge, you die. To stay light on your feet, it’s best to keep your weight under 25 percent of your maximum capacity.

Dodge First, Shield Second

Dodge First, Shield Second

Effective evasion beats a strong defense almost every time, so it makes sense that it’s more important to know how to dodge than how to use your shield. Shielding and dodging both use up your stamina, but only one of these two ways of staying safe keeps you out of harm’s way.

On the other hand, if you dodge, you can stay safe and get closer to killing your opponents. Most of the time, an opponent’s attack will give you a chance to move under or around it and into a space they can’t really defend.

Bait Your Enemies

Bait Your Enemies

When you’re up against more than one enemy, you need to be careful because they can quickly work together to severely lower your HP. For most of the game, the best way to beat your enemies is to lure them into one-on-one fights.

This is easy to do with a bow and arrow, but you can also do it by slowly moving into an enemy’s reaction zone and then backing away, making them follow you to their death instead of the other way around.

Use Your Souls

Use Your Souls

In Dark Souls, souls are used as money. You need them to improve your character’s stats and buy things from the few hidden merchants in Lordran. You get souls by beating other players, and sometimes you can find groups of souls in the wild as items.

At first, it might seem smart to save your souls, but you have to remember that every time you die, you lose the souls you have saved up. You can get them back, but only if you go back to where you died before you die again, so it’s best to use them when you can.

​​Take Time To Explore

​​Take Time To Explore

Lordran is a dark city with many different paths, shortcuts, enemies, and secrets. It’s important to resist the urge to stay on the “main” path and instead explore the world of Dark Souls.

Yes, doing this will definitely get you killed by a hidden enemy, but if you stay where you feel safe (which is a fragile idea in Slope Game at the best of times), you’ll never see the full depths that From Software’s game has to offer. There is a lot of complicated and interesting history hidden in the cracks if you look hard enough.

Plunging Attacks And Backstabs Deal Massive Damage

Plunging Attacks And Backstabs Deal Massive Damage

Dark Souls has a combat system that can be hard to get the hang of. You can’t just learn how to use your character’s attacks—you also need to know which attacks work best against which enemies. There are two ways to fight that will help you win more quickly, but you have to do them right.

If you can find a ledge above your enemy, use it to your advantage and jump off of it to hit your enemy with more force. Backstabs are also the same thing as they sound. Any attack that hits your opponent’s back when it isn’t protected will do a lot of damage.

Humanities Save Your HP Bar

Humanities Save Your HP Bar

In Dark Souls, when you die, you lose your humanity. That’s not just a figure of speech; you really do turn into a zombie version of yourself. Even though the game makes a big deal about how terrible it is to be Hollowed (turned into a zombie), it never really explains why it’s better to stay “human.” When your character is Hollowed, the amount of health it can have at once goes down.

You can stop a hollowing from happening by using a Humanity at a lit bonfire. This stops your health from going down. Humanities can also be used to start bonfires, which can be used to improve Estus Flasks.

Avoid PVP Until You’re More Confident

Avoid PVP Until You're More Confident

The main part of Dark Souls is its single-player campaign, but technically, it’s always a multiplayer, online experience as well. A PVP (Player vs. Player) battle can happen between you and another player at almost any point in the game. But, here’s the deal: turn off that feature.

As soon as they attack, which is something you can’t stop, you have no choice but to fight and either win or die. Real players, especially those who like PVP, are very hard to beat, and any items or souls you lose to them can’t be gotten back. Play offline until you feel like PVP is a risk you are ready to take. Dark Souls is already hard enough.