
Ultimate guide to color matching in interior decoration

The choice of interior colors is far from being an easy task. Before starting to make decisions about the color of the walls, furniture and decorative accessories of the apartment or the house, it is worth finding out how colors can have an impact on the interior design. perception of the interior.

It is good to know what colors to use for the base, but also how to match them and in what proportions to use them so that the interior of your four walls looks like you. You will therefore have to follow your own tastes… while keeping a sense of aesthetics, because the decoration must above all be harmonious! Do you want to bring a little color into your interior? Which is the best color to choose for your living room? You also wonder about the mixture of colors for a harmonious interior and which wall to paint into a room? Or are you wondering which colors suit each room best? Follow our guide to color matching!

Successful association of colors: only a few basic rules

If you want to know how to combine colors perfectly, you must first know the basic notions related to shades.

Color wheel

First, know that there is a color wheel. On this wheel, which represents the different colors, we find the three primary colors, namely red, yellow and blue. By mixing these only three colors together, we obtain all the other so-called secondary colors. For example, the mixture between red and blue gives violet, the mixture of red and yellow gives orange, the mixture of yellow and blue gives green.

Once we have all the secondary colors, it is now possible to know which colors are complementary and therefore good to associate.

Complementary and analogous colors

Once placed on the chromatic wheel between the two primary colors which make it possible to obtain them, the secondary colors are found in front of their complementary color. Thus, red and green face each other, blue and orange also, just like yellow and purple…

However, in terms of decoration, you have to bet on the variations for a successful color match! We prefer, for example, to combine light and pastel shades rather than the traditional reds, blues, greens and yellows.

The choice of colors according to the style of your interior

When creating a color scheme, think about the style you want to achieve inside. Colors can indeed literally change the perception of a room. A mix of light colors will give a more spacious effect. A mix of dark colors will give a narrowe … and more retro effect.

Also, mixtures of colors can cool or warm a room. A room in white with a few touches of gray will give a cold appearance. On the other hand, if you add a few touches of ocher yellow or mustard to  this white, the atmosphere will immediately be warmer. According to your tastes, go for marriages of colors capable of not getting tired of you in a few months and therefore not too garish.

Marriage of colors: the duo of colors that work for sure

When we rethink the decoration of an interior, we most often start with an idea with two specific colors. A beige and brown living room? A gray and white bedroom?

Always winning duos

It ‘s simply because there are trendy color duos that go well together. It is well known that gray is associated with pink. It also goes very well with mustard, olive green, black and gold. To be the most knowledgeable about gray, discover our article on the colors that go with gray.

It is also certain that brown combines perfectly with gold, beige, mustard and blue. If you want to invite brown into your interior, first check out our guide to colors that go with brown… before embarking on a brown paint job for the living room.

Which color duo for the bedroom?

The color duos are also to be known for the bedroom. This is very often the place where we limit ourselves to two colors for a united, soothing and relaxing effect.

Which combination of two colors to choose for a staircase?

Speaking of duos, knowing that it is more and more trendy to paint your stairwell in two colors to play on contrasts and optical effects.

What color contrast should you choose?

When we think of a combination of a light color and a dark color, we most often think of these trendy colors that go well together grey and white, beige and brown for a living room, blue and white for a bathroom or even grey and pink or beige and gold for a bedroom… However, if your interior is large, you can dare todiapers of colors a bit more daring. A mustard and gray decoration for a retro chic effect or a black and white decoration for a monochrome style home.

Matching colors: those colors that go with everything

If brown, purple or green don’t go with everything, there are other shades which can go with everything! We are thinking of white and black of course, but also of gray and beige.

Grey, a versatile color

Gray is also very popular. Pearl grey, anthracite grey, steel grey… which one to choose for your living room? How to succeed in your bedroom by betting on grey? What color to marry with gray in a kitchen? Here are the questions to ask yourself before buying your gray paint for a successful color match in the kitchen!

Neutral and natural colors

Finally, natural and neutral colors take center stage and blend easily, so find out how to use earthy colors, taupe, greige, ecru or even coffee color in an interior.

Matching colors: color harmonies per room


Blue is most often found in the bathroom. We choose it clear to call the light… but it is good to associate it with another bright color to bring a little pep to the bathroom! Check out our guide to colors that go with blue.


In the same spirit, it is also most often in the bedroom that we allow ourselves to introduce pink. And if, to avoid the too girly effect, we dared to use a completely different color that is both bright and daring?

Entrance and kitchen

If the living room and the dining room are limited to traditional colors for the sake of harmony, clarity and long-term durability , the entrance and the kitchen can be rooms. those where you can dare a few bold touches of color thanks to furniture and decorative accessories. Browse collection at Homary!

You can therefore dare to buy this green console table that makes you want to place it in the entrance… or even dare to order this sumptuous fir green sofa that makes your heart beat! See our article What color goes with green? to find out how to integrate green into your interior.

Living room

In the living room, you can dare all colors, you just have to dose it well and combine furniture and decoration in harmony with your colors. Here are some ideas for choosing the right paint for your living room. You love pink, but you don’t know how to integrate it into your living room? Discover our articles dedicated to old pink and fuchsia to successfully match the colors in your living room with these colors.