
What Hired App Developers You May Need for Your Project in India

The shortlist of app developers available for hire for your project comprises all the expertise you could or certainly require. The list includes project managers, designers, quality assurance engineers, and software developers.

Simple tasks may not need a large staff. Depending on your needs, objectives, and financial constraints, you may need to hire app developers in India for your development team.

  1. Back-end Developer

Experts in back-end development develop the server-side component of the software, the most complex and significant in any program, particularly an application, but not one that the user can see. Back-end engineers create web, desktop, and mobile software functionality. Data storage, processing, interchange, and creation are all possible with a back-end developer.  

Consider if the app developer you choose specializes in the programming language you want when you need server-side functionality.

  1. Front-end Developer

The client-side component of the software is another name for the front end. The back-end functionality of the app is introduced by the software specialist, who then integrates it with the UI/UX design to create the final product.

A front-end developer is n charge of button positioning and clickability for other components. For instance, if you access an e-commerce site and click on the “buy” button, front-end functionality may add the selected item to your basket or send you to the “payment page,” where you must enter your details (such as name, card number, shipping address, and others). Your web application project should include a front-end app developer for hire.

  1. Mobile App Developer

These professionals design iOS and Android-compatible mobile and tablet apps. You may hire a mobile developer to create an app that runs solely on iOS, exclusively on Android or both. Consequently, based on the mobile app you want, you may hire:

You cannot create a mobile app for Android or iOS using native app developers for those platforms, and the opposite is true. They concentrate on a single platform, choosing to learn the specialized technology and tools for either iOS or Android. This should be considered if you decide to hire app developers in India.

  • Cross-Platform Developers

Cross-platform app developers are able to produce software that works on both the Android and iOS operating systems. Therefore, these particular mobile app developers for hire are the ones you require if you need a relatively straightforward mobile app and want it to function on both platforms.

  1. Full-Stack Expert

Consider hiring full-stack app developers for your project. Those who mix back-end and front-end skills are known as full-stack web specialists.

Thus, you may reduce the number of computer professionals working on your project if you can engage an app developer who can create your application from scratch while ensuring that its back-end, front-end, and database components communicate with one another. However, as you know, the fees for IT experts with more excellent skills and expertise are higher.

  1. Architect

This technology expert is in charge of selecting the best options for your project. Their responsibility is to choose the programming languages, features, prototyping techniques, and other solutions that are more suited for your upcoming application. Architecture for software development is akin to architecture for structures. Before starting an active building process, you must review every last aspect on paper.

An architect is a tech expert who reduces the risk of significant errors that necessitate the need to rework completed software components. They can provide a solution for your project that perfectly satisfies your needs, budget, and schedule thanks to their experience and skills in a variety of software development domains.  

  1. DevOps

The goal of a DevOps engineer is to make the development of apps as efficient, safe, and easy as possible. Their primary task is done, nevertheless, during the deployment phase.  

A DevOps developer you hire will also keep an eye on the timeliness and effectiveness of problem fixes. Their contribution to testing, code improvement, software infrastructure development, product flexibility, deploying, optimizing, automating, and many other activities are enormous for the customer and the whole development team.

  1. QA Engineer

Although quality assurance experts do not create code, they are a crucial component of any development team since they are responsible for ensuring that the product is free from logical and functional faults.

If you believe that a developer first creates an app, and then when the task is over, another expert starts testing it, you should know that this is not how the software development process works. Specialists in quality assurance start their work on the estimating and planning phases of the software development process. Testing occurs concurrently with developing the code to ensure errors and problems are discovered early and immediately fixed.

QA specialists ensure a smooth development process and that there are no unpleasant surprises when the program is released into the market.

  1. Designer of UI/UX

A UI/UX designer is a professional who creates appealing and user-friendly websites and apps. They actively contribute to the development of an MVP and fully-functional application. Every app piece visible to users must be placed in the most suitable location so that users will instinctively know where to click or touch to accomplish their goals. This is the job of a UX (user experience) designer.

The app design’s UI (user interface) portion is in charge of the right colors, brand-book compliance, button sizes, typefaces, and other components, as well as where they should be placed on each page. Typically, one designer handles both the UI and UX components. To expedite the process, you could require at least one extra designer if you want to create a very sophisticated digital platform. Therefore, if you’re going to employ someone to design an app, you need to find someone with expertise in UI and UX.

  1. Project Manager

Despite not writing or testing code, the project manager is an integral element of the software development process. Therefore, it would be helpful for the project budget to take this expert into account when you employ someone to create an app for you.

  • Among a project manager’s primary duties are:
  • Making sure tasks are completed on schedule;
  • Ensuring effective and smooth cooperation;
  • Resolving conflicts within teams;
  • Project planning and analysis;
  • Project documentation;
  • Routine reporting to the customer on the development process;
  • Having conversations with customers, team members, and others
  1. Business Analyst

This expert often contributes to a project at the business strategy and planning stage. BA examines the client’s project needs and contrasts them with comparable goods currently on the market, working with the project manager, architect, and other specialists.

BA experts determine which functionality, features, business models, and market strategies will be most successful for any specific product with the use of mind mapping, SWOT analysis, and many other analytical approaches. Business analysts play a vital role in the customization of software solutions at some stage. If you hire someone to construct an app and your budget isn’t too tight, having a BA on the development team will be beneficial for your future business app.


This part helped you better understand what these experts perform and how they might enhance your product with their knowledge. You often require more than one professional to design a web or mobile application. Even a full-stack engineer is insufficient. Fortunately, you’ll be able to locate and employ every professional on the above list.