
8 Reasons To Create An Online TV Channel

Online video streaming has revolutionized the global media landscape and transformed the viewing behavior of people across the world. Fueled by the massive advancements in internet adoption, an increased presence of mobile devices, and the evolving increase in the popularity of online video content, the global video streaming market has seen unprecedented growth in recent years. In the OTT Video segment, the number of users is projected to increase to 4216.3 million by 2027.

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Reasons to Start an Online TV Channel

With the rapid increase in the adoption of online video around the world, the era of regular live TV is dwindling in terms of ratings. Here are the eight reasons why you should start a video channel and why online video is better than regular television and why it’s gaining popularity.  

  • OTT is the New TV

Even if it seems that it is not going to happen right away, OTT video streaming will surely take over in the next decade, at an unprecedented rate. Moreover, traditional production houses have started to transition to their own web TV channels, where they are offering the same shows and movies on both platforms. And many sports broadcasters are committing to OTT-first streaming projects.  Today, smart TVs in the market are compatible with Chromecast or Firestick to empower OTT solutions on the big screen.

  • Easy Maintenance

Online TV channels come with less maintenance as the process of maintaining the content catalog is far easier than negotiating back and forth with the airing time, pricing, and other factors. Moreover, maintaining your content on the cloud reduces your hosting and broadcasting costs as well. Online TV channels can also function with less manpower. With these low maintenance costs, you can definitely go ahead and start one.  

Connect with your Customers Better

Online TV channels bridge the gap between content creators and their customers. It helps build a community that is connected around the OTT video streaming ecosystem. Content creators can create niche content and attract their target audience. This makes the target audience connect and engage with your channel. Unlike traditional TV where the content has to impress studio executives, Start online TV channel give room for unconventional content to outperform. 

  • Personalize Content to Win your Audience

The OTT platform provides analytics, which gives you deep insights into customer behavior. This information is valuable to you and can be used to enable content personalization for your target audience. From these insights, you can determine the time when each consumer category watches, what type of content is the most watched, and how they engage. You can create videos and events to attract that target viewership. Netflix took this a step further by making a binge-able content format and thus personalizing episode release formats. So building your own OTT platform gives you more room for innovation.  

  • Have a Wider Reach

The Internet is a global property, and as such, any online TV channel has a potentially global reach. OTT streaming has brought down language barriers by promoting captioning, as evidenced by Hallyu’s global wave. You can create content to be distributed on a range of devices, from laptops to smartphones, and ensure that your content reaches users at all times.

Tons of Monetization Options

Traditional television has only the model of monetization of advertising revenues since cable subscription funds are not sufficient to fuel creation. When you launch online TV broadcasting, you have the AVOD model, the subscription revenue model, and the pay-per-view models. A couple of OTT platforms like Hotstar are experimenting with all three. Finding ways to encourage viewers to look at more of your content for money is facilitated by analytics.

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  • Work From Anywhere

Conventional TV shooting forces you and your staff to work in a few places where studios exist and management lives. Online television eliminates these restrictions for the most part. As an independent content creator, you can travel everywhere you want to work or as a producer, you can hire creators anywhere. Since the usual administrative procedures of conventional television are absent, you can cut down on travel.

  • People Can Consume Your Content Anywhere

Unlike cable TV, where you have to go home or go somewhere big enough to run a TV, people can consume online video content from portable devices such as tablets and laptops that can be carried anywhere. Many people download mobile OTT applications to view videos on the move. You can even reach viewers in other time zones with varied features. Your content is also easier to find with a catalog management system, unlike cable which uses planned programming.


If you are convinced, you are now wondering how to take advantage of these advantages and how to air your own television network.  With the VPlayed OTT platform, you can easily build your television network. It’s fully customizable, so you don’t have to hire a whole team of engineers to create your OTT solution from the ground up.