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What does Less Rolling Resistance Mean? How does it affect the tyre grip?

It’s always desirable to have tyres that offer small resistance while rolling, ensuring smooth drive and lesser fuel consumption. Who doesn’t want to have a frictionless movement? Though it is not possible to completely nullify the friction, yet there are some ace manufacturers of car tyres like Trazano Tyres, which promise to give you less rolling resistance and provide your firmer grip for acceleration and application of brakes. Let’s take a glance at and understand in detail what does Low Rolling Resistance means? 

Read More: Selecting the Right Tyres for Your Vehicle

Low Rolling Resistance and its impact on your vehicle

There are a plethora of forces that will keep your vehicle motionless, like the vehicle weight, aerodynamic/drag wind resistance, inertia, and tyre rolling resistance. The challenging part is how to minimie these forces to experience a smooth drive.

When a tyre swirls on the road’s surface, then there is an opposing force or frictional force amidst the rubber and tarmac. Hence, it establishes a grip. According to the motion laws, if the frictional force becomes zero, the vehicle will slip. 

Hence, Rolling Resistance is considered an ally of a driver, but to a certain extent. So, to overcome the potent frictional force and keep your tyre progressing, the vehicle absorbs power from the engine. The more power, the higher is the fuel consumption. Indeed, it adversely affects the environment nearby by the emission of carbon dioxide. 

Understanding of the EU Label

When today’s time, the surge of pollution is alarming, then there comes a greater need for cars to be more fuel-efficient and less polluting. On the same notion, tyre companies are investing a humongous amount to make their products environment-friendly. Car tyres can be a significant threat to the environment. 

For the construction of tyres, they are now using polymer to reduce the resistance and improve rubber’s chemical compound at a molecule level. 

A question must be striking in your brain’s neurons that why all the tyres do not fall under the category of good grades. Some tyres are manufactured to provide a solid grip, so the vehicles fall in the variety of high-performance cars. However, some eco-tyres are manufactured to ensure a more excellent fuel economy, compromising the factor of grip.

How can we determine what is the rolling resistance of a tyre?

Precisely, new tyres carry EU labels that provide the grade to its wet weather grip; prices of fuel and levels of noise from A to G. A stands for the topmost, and G refers to the worst.

Interestingly, low rolling resistance technology will improve fuel efficiency by 1-4 mpg. Depending on your driving, vehicle type, and the cost of fuel, you may save up to 350 pounds. 

The giants in the tyre manufacturing industry are diving deeper into the R&D process to improve further in the coming time. Their main plan is to reduce fuel consumption so that the environment will no longer suffer from their actions. 

When you purchase new tyres or cars, then deliberately focus on buying low rolling resistance tyres. Make it a conscious decision for yourselves and the environment.